The Things to Think of When You’re Considering a Whitening Treatment

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Before you take the first step of a teeth-whitening treatment, our Tao Sun, DDS team encourages you to think about a few things. Even though teeth whitening is a beneficial treatment that can give you the smile you have always wanted, it’s not for everyone. So, before you begin treatment, we encourage you to think about the following things:

What does your dentist say?
Not all stains can be lightened with whitening treatment. So, if you have enamel stains that are untreatable, it’s best to not waste your time. Also, your dentist might discourage whitening treatment if you have sensitive teeth, gum disease, or worn tooth enamel.

Is teeth whitening worth the cost?
There are times when an in-office whitening treatment is not covered by your insurance. So, it’s best to call your insurance and find out if they cover the treatment.

Should you use an over-the-counter or professional treatment?
Over-the-counter and in-office treatments are very different, but they are both beneficial. Over-the-counter treatments can be used at home, but they require a longer treatment time before you notice results. In-office whitening is quick and easy, and it usually provides results within one or two trips to our office.

If you’re interested in knowing if teeth whitening in Costa Mesa, California, is the best treatment option for you, please call our office at 949-645-8887 and schedule an appointment with your dentist, Dr. Tao Sun. When you come into our office, we will examine your smile and give you the tips and information you need!