Dental Health Care Focus: Oral Health Care

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Have you ever speculated about your oral health care? For everyone, it can vary considerably, but there are a few key facts that time and again can save a smile. This includes daily routines such as brushing and flossing, as well as systematic trips to your dentist for checkups and cleanings. Nevertheless, there are plenty of options to help keep your smile healthy.

Focus on your dental health and your oral health care. Save your smile with oral health care and these important facts:

– Be wary when putting your oral health at risk during times of exercise or contact sports, so wear safety equipment.

– Make sure to brush your teeth twice daily and floss your teeth once daily.

– Seek out dental cleaning products that feature the ADA Seal of Acceptance or recommended and approved by your dentist.

– Help keep your teeth clean by using mouthwash or chewing sugarless gum after eating.

– Remember to eat healthy, nutritious, and balanced meals every day that are free from excess sugar.

– Eliminate unhealthy habits from your life like smoking, drinking, and using drugs.

– Make an effort to listen to your dentist and attend your bi-annual professional cleanings.

If you would like to experience the life-changing transformation that oral health care can provide, please stop by Tao Sun, DDS for an oral exam from Dr. Tao Sun and our team at our amazing dentist facility in Costa Mesa, California. Schedule your visit by calling us at 949-645-8887. We look forward to improving your smile!