What is gum disease (periodontal disease)?

periodontalGum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a condition that results as plaque and tartar (hardened plaque) build up on the teeth. Bacteria in plaque and tartar can irritate, inflame, and infect the gum tissue. If periodontal disease is allowed to progress untreated, it can cause loss of the teeth and bone, as well as a receding gum line. In addition, periodontal disease has been linked to diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, pregnancy complications, respiratory conditions, and other serious health problems.

What is gum treatment?

If you suffer from periodontal disease, our skilled dentist will suggest periodontal care. The main aims of periodontal care are to halt the progress of the disease and improve the health of your smile. Scaling and root planing are common types of gum treatment in Apple Valley and Costa Mesa, California. Scaling and root planing are deep cleaning methods that help to treat periodontal disease by removing plaque, tartar, and bacteria from above and below the gum line.

If your gums are swollen, red, tender, or bleed easily, you may have gum disease. We encourage you to contact us today to learn more about gum treatment and to schedule your visit with Dr. Tao Sun.